4 days ago3 minPERSONAL FINANCEFrightening Finance Facts: Scary UK Money Habits and How to Take Control with ImageNPayHow you can use the ImageNPay app to avoid these four frightening finance facts and build better spending and budgeting habits.
Sep 23 minKIDS & MONEYHow to Help Your Kids Achieve Their Money Goals | Back to School Money LessonsPen and paper at the ready! Here are 5 money lessons to help your kids achieve their money goals for the new school year.
Aug 53 minPERSONAL FINANCEBreaking Down Financial Jargon Part 4 | Lifestyle Creep, the 50/30/20 Budgeting Rule & MoreIn Part 4 of this series, we're breaking down the meaning of Lifestyle Creep, the 24-hour Spending Rule and the 50/30/20 Budgeting Method.
May 283 minPERSONAL FINANCEBreaking Down Financial Jargon | Part Two: Financial Goals, Financial Literacy & Credit Scores In Part 2 of our new series, we break down the meaning of a Credit Score, Financial Literacy and Financial Goals.