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  • Naomi Harris

How to Fix Your Relationship With Money

When thinking about your relationship with money, what’s the first word that comes to mind?

Our relationship towards our finances, and money in general, can impact many areas of our lives.

Often learned from childhood, the positive or negative associations we unconsciously make towards money can shape not only our financial habits, but also our financial futures - which is why it’s so important to unpack our relationship with money and do the work to improve it for the better.

Here are our essential first steps to bettering your relationship with money:

Step One ) Ask Yourself the Tough Questions

The first step to fixing your relationship with money involves identifying what your current relationship with money is, and what has shaped the beliefs you may have.

Grab a pen and paper (or the notes app on your phone) and start asking yourself questions like:

  • What was your first money memory?

  • How do you feel when you spend money?

  • How was money talked about in your home growing up?

  • What does wealth mean to you?

For more question ideas, check out our blog post: How to Unpack Your Relationship With Money.

Step Two) Forgive Yourself for Past Money Mistakes

We know, easier said than done! But practising self-compassion when it comes to your financial past and possible money regrets is crucial when it comes to healing your relationship with money.

One helpful method to extend compassion to yourself when you think about previous money mistakes is to imagine having a conversation with your younger self at the time or think about how you would speak to a friend dealing with the same issue of self-forgiveness. Show yourself kindness and let go of the past in order to move forward.

Step Three) Create a Spending Plan

Now that you’ve identified your financial values, and setbacks, and forgiven yourself for past mistakes, it’s time to direct your focus towards the future.

How can you improve any bad spending habits you’ve recognised from the past 5 years? Create a plan and actively counteract each ‘negative’ spending habit with its positive, productive alternative.

For example, let’s say you’ve identified you have a particular problem with impulse shopping that has led to a lot of financial regrets, and maybe even debt. One way to work on addressing this could be to set a resolution that you’ll wait for at least 24 hours/1 week/1 month before making an impulse purchase.

Think about how the healthiest version of you would deal with any potential financial problems, and embody that person! Focus on spending habits that actively help you meet your goals.

⁠The Takeaway

Above all else, it’s important to remember that fixing your relationship with money and creating better spending habits takes time.

So, remember not to beat yourself up if it’s taking longer than you expected, or if you slip up from time to time. This is all normal, and a part of the healing journey!


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